


Seung Lee

My work is significantly influenced by the two poles of the Ying and Yang, the Asian positive and negative, and the interaction between humans and nature.

The Five Principles of my work are:

1. Art should be Fusion of Two School.
Art should be Created for Art Itself: “Art-Like” Art.
Art should be Created for Social and Political Reason “Life-Like” Art.

2. Lines are meaningful: just as they are in ancient Asian art.
The Chinese Brush stroke is like the movements of Tai Chi:
Smooth and Connecting. The Japaniese Brush stroke is like Zen Buddhism:
Explosive with energy after calm meditation.
I study the line by virtue of its consequence in defining the visual form.

3. I stand between two cultures: Western and Asian.
The Western focuses on Extroversion and speed.
The Asian is introverted and intentional in it focus.

4. My Art reflects interplay between objects and forms that communicate a message or story. Man and animals, nature and man: and man-made objects represent communication between myself and the environment and reflect my experience. These objects are common and amiable to us: They are ordinary in concept.

5. My use of objects in nature symbolizes the “circle of life”. Fish symbolize “good luck”: the apple is symbolic of the dream of a “good harvest”: Groups in number of seven and twelve represent days of the week and Months of the year. Flowers symbolize “happiness” and water for “good fortune”. Hot and cold colors together reveal the balance of opposites, creating the Harmony.


I start with oil painting on paper for dividing basic color forms and using one woodplate to produce multi-color on paper. The result is a creative 3-D texture, with oil painting and ink stamping on the woodcut paper.

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