


Tai Taeoalii

I am an American/Samoan artist creating works with inspiration fueled by music and the nostalgic memories of my turbulent teenage years. I’ve utilized decades of self-taught techniques, cultivated from urban doctrines, in an effort to create art that evokes an honest & hopefully profound emotional experience. My creative process spawns from an organic and authentic subconscious journey and my creations manifest more by virtue of my own self-evaluation and less of propagating my ideology.

In the early 80’s, growing up bi-racial in a predominantly white suburb of Salt Lake City, Utah, primed me to self-identify as an outcast. Tormented with cultural identity angst at such a young age, I was fortunate to discover that the arts were a perfect way to express my frustrations. Through my artistic explorations I realized my auto-didactic ability, which evolved into experimentation with nearly every type of art-form, including graffiti and tattoo work, but no medium has captured and retained my affections as strongly as drawing with a ballpoint pen, so that has been my central focus for most of my artistic career.

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