


Sharon Sudduth

As a representational painter, Sharon Sudduth spends a great deal of time exploring the beauty and wonder of the natural world around her and she is especially drawn to flowers and living things. Some of these marvels are so small they might be missed in the rush to live life. Sudduth has learned to slow down, to study and look deeper and in doing so, has seen things she wants everyone to notice. So, she paints large and up close in an attempt that the intricacies that fascinate her cannot be overlooked.
When Sudduth discovered the “alla prima” or wet into wet method of oil painting in 2018, she fell in love with the medium and a method which allows her to complete paintings in just a few sessions, meeting her need for spontaneity but also results. With thousands of hours invested in learning to see, Sudduth has developed a unique palette and technique that produces paintings with a liveliness and vibrance that radiates from the canvas. Her intuitive style is distinct and reflects her love for light, form and color which is seen most dramatically in her signature large scale florals and smaller portrait work.

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