Seth Vandable
Original dynamic figurative sculptures produced in the lost wax method and then finished with hot process chemical patinas. I first create the sculptures by developing an armature and then sculpting with a hard oil based clay.
When the sculpture is complete, liquid rubber is poured over the original clay. Once the silicone has dried, the clay
sculpture is removed. Hot wax is then poured into that form. When the wax has hardened it is removed and covered in a hard ceramic shell, both inside and outside. Then the wax is melted out and the hot liquid bronze is poured into the ceramic shell. The liquid bronze quickly fills up the negative space inside the ceramic shell. The bronze then cools and the shell is removed. You then have a bronze sculpture. This whole process of each lost wax bronze can take from several weeks up to a few months to complete. I then complete each bronze sculpture with its own unique patina that is applied with variuos chemicals and fiery torches.