


Sarah Collier & Aaron Collier

It seems that that the world of digital art is only for fantasy, video games, and contorted 3D imagery. I want my art to combine beautiful images from vintage media with evolving technology. I think of it as digital art with a vintage feel. My artwork is an exploration of society’s relationship with treasured objects and personal memories. I utilize old photographs, found ephemera, and vintage media as time capsules and storehouses of information. In essence they are composite photographs that are manipulated with the aid of the computer. They are similar to cut collage but in a sustainable form. My intention is to “re-imagine” these pieces in a way that retains their original beauty to which I add an additional narrative. I try to use as few new materials as possible and to recycle wood as the structure and framing of each piece. I estimate each piece to be around 85% recycled materials. Each piece is topped with a bio-based two part epoxy resin, currently the most sustainable option on the market. I work solely in a program called GIMP (freeware Linux) with a mouse and a wacom tablet.

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