Renee Dinauer
Renee has been creating a plethora of unique, freeform wall and free hanging sculpture formed of steam-bent hardwoods since 1995. She often custom colors the light- weight sculpture from subtle naturals to intense vibrant colors. Renee has a great interest in constructivism of all kinds; as sculpture, or even architecture; challenging, and exploring traditional material bounds. Her greatest interest involves the study of topology, especially surfaces alluding to a four-dimensional topological source, or extrapolation. Renee received her undergraduate degree at The University of California – Los Angeles where her career really began, strolling through UCLAÕs sculpture gardens inspiring her many ubiquitous creative interests supporting her education exhibiting various projects at a weekend show in Westwood. Later, she experimented with CAD creating layered digital slices of 3-D CAD digital forms cut out using a home made CNC table – mimicking modern stereo lithography before it was invented and used in industrial design. Eventually, she desired a smoother, more natural media and accidentally envisioned her current work while 3-D ÒdoodlingÓ with bent wood. She learned to use White Ash for its strength and resilient properties. Renee began exhibiting at art shows, galleries and museum shows garnering numerous principal awards, including: both ÒBest of showÓ and First Place -Sculpture at ÒThe Beverly Hills, CA Art Festival, ÒBest of SculptureÓ The Portland, OR Art Festival. Her interest in creating larger projects has led her to the public, corporate and hospitality field where she relishes in the variety of, often, challenging and rewarding projects – some over fifty feet in length! The largest to date; a wall sculpture at the Hyatt Regency – Riverwalk – San Antonio, TX, Vinoy Renaissance – St Petersburg, FL and large, car-sized, suspended sculptures at Inwood Station – Dallas, TX and Trump Resort – Punta Pacifica, Panama. Currently, amidst numerous projects, and a few art shows, she is working on a proposal for a large scale, architectural – sized project with Thiel & Thiel a Dallas-based design firm for the Portland, OR installation/construction in 2019.