


Michael Gard

I make wire mobiles. I use a technique which I think is unique to me. I weave around an original wax sculpture, then melt out the wax. This technique allows me to create much more complex objects than other methods in wire. My philosophy is to make a work that appeals almost purely aesthetically. An unfashionable choice in much of the art world. and much harder to write about than the predominant arresting/creepy/’frisson of meaning’ style. For my subject matter I choose the human form. A very recognizable shape that can be read by the viewer from any angle, essential for mobiles. I stylize the figure just to the edge of what viewers consider naturalistic. But since the piece is essentially seen only in silhouette I have to exaggerate some aspects of the form in order to appear naturalistic, I elongate the limbs, cinch the elbows and knees and carve the backbone deep. Since 2008, I have also been adding LED lights to the inside of my figures, this creates a glimmering light due to the proximity of the light source, however, I has not proved possible to capture successfully in photographs. Some videos….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htMnJmzoDCY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdx4xal_thE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f70ExPPkMQ4

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