Matthew Naftzger
One could say my creations are a mash-up of space traveling circus acts, post-apocalyptic sideshows, Faberg? eggs, rocket-building Cro-Magnon men, wonderfully terrible “B” sci-fi movies, future explorations, societal comment, and naval gazing. Or, perhaps one shouldn’t, but that is what is in my brain. Fifteen years of being a studio artist/craftsperson has led me to a new place – and it feels like the beginning. Many complexities within the work that have often been touched on, or merely implied, are now developing much more fully. Titanium is used throughout the work. Its durability, color, and longevity gives it a sense of timelessness that I love. Titanium also requires a very different methodology for constructivist creations than almost anything else, and the problem-solving required continues to intrigue me. Add in a mixture of precious metals, semi-precious stones, the (very) occasional found object, perhaps a bit of technology, and you have… a new question.