


David Boone

Cedar and copper nesting boxes and feeders/garden art.

As an avid nature lover, it was only natural that current area of interest, producing functional, yet attractive garden pieces. My beginnings in the professional art world began as a printmaker, progressed to owning and operating a handmade paper studio with my wife, and now to the woodworking and metalsmithing of garden pieces. I began building nesting boxes and feeders in the late 1980’s. All of the “bird houses” meet Audubon specification for the various birds that they are built for.

I am essentially a self-taught artist. The majority of the houses are formed out of a solid piece of wood, using a boring technique that I developed from much trail and error. It is unique to me. I am also that first person to put copper roofs on bird houses and mount them on coppers poles…practices which are copied today by many.

My wife and out family have been blessed beyond belief with our garden art. We have one part time helper who does everything from sweeping the shop, embossing bird house roofs, helping to pack for shows, or watering the flower bed!

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