Bruce Reinfeld
As Franz Kafka wrote so eloquently: “Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old”.
My Photographs point us to the simple things we would have never paid attention to or enough attention to otherwise; and inspires us to feel as timeless as the work itself. Working with 35 mm film bodies and toy plastic cameras along with infrared film and black & white stock in 35 mm and 120 mm format. A far cry from today’s world of digital cameras and hyper-editing techniques that accompany other photographers work.
The photographs are non-manipulated and never staged or set up. Onto this, I add a gentle perspective: I airbrush colors on to each image digitally because of the detail that can be obtained. So the black and white photographs become so vibrantly alive with that surrealist burst of Pop color. The grainy black and white hues, almost monochrome, give a sense of space, reflection on time through perception and action, wordplay which are all fundamental elements of my artistic research.