Bruce Niemi
The sculptures I create are characterized by their positive nature, a reflection of my own personality. My faith in God, nature, the energy and grace of athletics, the balance, and flow of dance and the beauty and power of nature are my inspiration.
I generally work on 3 to 5 sculptures at a time, which helps in keeping a creative flow of
energy moving, allowing me to utilize my time to the fullest…
My approach to creating a sculpture involves several key elements. The purpose or theme of the site, the landscape that surrounds the area, a design which includes public safety, craftsmanship, and structural strength. Primary materials in my work include stainless steel, silicon bronze and occasionally, raw stone. These materials will withstand the test of time and require minimum maintenance.
It is important to view the sculpture from all sides, examining the changing positive and negative shapes and space. My goal is to stimulate and exercise the mind of you, the viewer, as well as creating a sculpture that compliments the environment in which it resides.