Important Information

Application Process Opens

Artist Hours Of Exhibition

Show Dates

Application Process Opens




Artist Hours Of Exhibition

Thursday, Friday & Saturday

10AM – 8PM


10AM – 7PM

(Note: the event itself doesn’t close until 10:00 PM on Thursday, 11:00 PM on Friday and Saturday, and 8:00 PM on Sunday. Artists are invited to remain open as they wish during those later hours).

Show Dates


10 – 13


Artist Jury

Acceptance notification, contract and Artist Guide e-mailed

Artist registration packet and booth fees due

Accepted artists posted on Website

Last day to cancel with refund

Artist Awards Ceremony and Breakfast

Load in

Booth Fees

Single booth




Corner booth




Double booth isn ot available, unless an artist has been accepted in more than one category, or with more than one body of work.

Electricity is available for each artist.

Number of Artists

220    Total Artists
Award Winners From Previous Year Artists Emerging Artists 172 28 20

Approximately 1000 applications were received in 2022.

Multiple Applications: If an artist has work in different media categories, or distinctly separate bodies of work within one category, they may apply with multiple applications. Each separate application may require a different profile within Zapplication.

The artist on record as of the date of the jury, and the collaborator on record as of the date of the jury, MUST be in attendance at the show




Five paid Art Professionals (local, regional or national), including two working artists.


Jury Format

Two rounds over two days. First round scored on a 1 – 7 basis. Top 50% advance into second round, scored again on a 1 – 7 basis, with discussion. Local artists residing within the Metroplex will automatically advance to the second round.

Jury Process

Images are projected (projected jury) on 48″ x 48″ screens by state-of-the-art projectors direct from digital media. This is a blind jury – names are not revealed to the jurors. Images are viewed with image 1 on the left, and the booth image on the right. Four images of work are required, along with a booth image (Emerging Artist applicants may substitute another image of their work in place of the booth image – simply say, “YES,” when asked if your image is your booth shot). Viewing is horizontal. Artists are viewed in the order in which their application was received.

Number of Artists Exempt from Jury: 26, including six artist advisory committee members who work year-round to help improve the MAIN ST. Fort Worth Arts Festival.

A booth shot is mandatory and is used for scale and presentation only. Work on exhibit in the booth image are not automatically allowed into the show. Only the images presented in the jury process representing the body of work submitted will be used to determine booth content for the show.

Awards & Attendance


Up to $15,000 awarded to seven Merit Award Winners, and a Best of Show Winner. An Emerging Artist Best of Show is also awarded.


Main Street Arts Festival annually attracts more than 400,000 people to the downtown festivities

Parking & Loading

Fee-based parking is available throughout Downtown. The Festival does not provide free or reserved parking at this time.

Scheduled load-in process allows ample room. We utilize a remote check-in, staging and organized move in process.

Take advantage of the four-day MAIN ST. Fort Worth Arts Festival and join in on fantastic opportunities to immerse yourself within a vibrant celebration of art, music, and culture!

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