Don McWhorter
My newest works are inspired by two primary influences. One much more recent and the other a long ongoing fascination with ancient structures. Particularly, temple architecture of southeast Asia and the middle east,with their rugged eroded surfaces. Many buried and forgotten for hundreds or even thousands of years, rediscovered, yet they still inspire us with their strength of form and weathered beauty… More recently, my surface designs are inspired by long trips throughout America, particularly west of the Rocky Mountains. From long hikes to high mountain meadows, to lush evergreen forests,and walks to hill side vineyards, out to massive areas of rock cliffs and valleys sculpted to incredible forms… so much space and so little noise.To me, it is all pure regeneration of the soul and the mind. So often it seems inadequate and even lame to try to put this all into works… I hope that the emotions involved to create these pieces somehow transfers to the viewer.