


Laura Balombini

I like characters. The dancer in the back row not paying attention…the punky girl with blue hair at the check out counter, an old Italian woman at the airport with black on black and a beautiful red umbrella. They are everywhere and yet never seen. They are life’s little stories being told all over simultaneously and without a big commercial. The ongoing circus act of humanity.

I hand weave steel wire for armatures both hidden and obvious in conjunction with polymer clay to make these everyday people into a three dimensional thought.

To me there is something very internal about sculpting human features, hands, feet…and then arranging their arms and a twist or tilt of their heads…can be the difference between..comical…and thoughtful.

There is enough bad and dark and sad in the world…and although we all have had to assimilate some of that into our everyday work helps me to cope and helps my audience to have a short respite form the real world.

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