


Doug Bloodworth

I have always been an artist, even from my earliest childhood memories. After receiving a degree in Commercial Art and Advertising, my first job was designing Outdoor Bulletins. After a stint of drawing caricatures at amusement parks, I went back to Outdoor. This time I actually painted the giant pictorial displays. I learned a lot about oil painting working at this huge scale.I am currently working in oils. IŠ—Ève been painting still life objects on comic books and newspaper funnies. The objects seem to be pop culture products. So, some of my work is reminiscent of the billboards I used to paint. I also have a series of paintings on wood and metal that my wife Karen actually shoots with a gun.All my life I have enjoyed spending hours at museums looking at paintings. A lot of times I am drawn to still life paintings. Maybe an old newspaper with a pipe lying there with a burnt match or even a dead rabbit painted perfectly. I like to think I approach my painting with the same seriousness that these artists did, even though IŠ—…m painting a peanut butter sandwich on a Batman comic. I think that is why people have to smile when they see my work, because I take common subject matter and paint it in oils as though it is of the utmost importance.I like to think of my works as snapshots in time. I paint the things I remember growing up and the products that surround us now. I hope to provide current and future generations a glimpse of my ordinary everyday life.

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