


Jeffrey A Raasch

I leave the sunny path, push past the thickets and brambles, and enter the world of sun dappled and dark. Listen to the scolding squirrel and warning caw of the crow. Wander. Step over the decaying log. Taste the dampness in the air. Wonder. Dig into the leaf mold, past the moss and mushroom, into the primeval loam. Smell the earth. Find the clay. Feel it squish and ooze between my fingers. With it I fashion the things I’ve seen and imagined, into the three dimensional canvas onto which I paint. Acrylics are applied and subtlety altered with more color washes to achieve the desired effects.
I am the sole creator of my one-of-a-kind, hand-built, ceramic sculptures. People, animals and plants are my focus. Texture is everything. I stack and mix these elements from nature into a rich visual mélange.

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