


Bruce A. Niemi

As we experience the heavens and earth that we occupy. Do we really see it in all of its glory? At times the simplest sunset moves us beyond words and into a deeper spiritual side that we wonder where it was hidden and why we never noticed it before. This body of work is derived from my deep-rooted faith, my love for God who gave me this gift of creativity and the beauty and wonder of the heavens and earth He created.

In creating this body of work, I began with a concept in my head, I do not sketch my ideas in advance as the thoughts for each piece come from my heart, and my experiences in life as well as all that is in the universe. Next I prepare the metal by cutting out multiple shapes, polishing, then curving them into desired forms. I then manipulate the shapes intertwining them until they become a new sculpture. My work evolves as I create it, at times when I am creating, the piece starts speaking to me in a different way than I had originally planned and I end up changing it in the process and arrive with a totally different finished sculpture.

As you, the viewer experience each piece, I hope you will discover the heavens, the earth, the winds, and a deeper spiritual, thought provoking, peaceful, timelessness that I wish to express as I create my works of art.

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