


Jeffrey Zachmann

I’m a mechanical guy in a digital world. Ever since I was a child I’ve worked on mechanical devices and kinetic sculptures. I’m fascinated in mechanical movements of almost any kind. My moving sculptures have taught me I’m not alone in this fascination. I think it must be some primordial reaction to motion that draws the crowds. It grabs their attention and pulls them in. I love to watch the people watching my sculptures, different people are attracted by different types of motion and different mechanical movements. Whatever it is that attracts them, by the time they leave, they all have a smile on their face. Kinetic Sculpture exploring movement and people’s attraction to movement. ” Movement in these sculptures is created by balls rolling through gravity powered devices and tracks to the bottom, where they are once again lifted to the top.” Made from welded stainless steel, copper, brass, found metal, a small electric motor and glass or stainless steel balls.

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