David Frohbieter
The focus of this series is the power of Comic Art. This most American of art forms is an extension of the oldest of mankind’s artistic expression. From the cave art of Chauvet, France to the hieroglyphics of Egypt thru the stained glass of the gothic period, on to the tapestries and woodcuttings of medieval Europe, images have been used to tell us stories. The 21st century finds us to be a more visual society than ever before. It is images, not words, which communicate most deeply to us. When the two are combined, as in comic art, text and image merge to create an observed harmony. This harmony can convey an abundance of ideas in a few lines, or tell an entire story in one panel. These ‘Historically Inaccurate Illustrations’ are then imagined, laid-out and then penciled. Hand-lettering is added, if needed, and the work is then inked. Acrylic wash(s) may be added to the backgrounds. The Artist then adds a veritable kaleidoscope color with ink to create a world more vibrant then reality. To further enhance each piece’s visual impact, the Artist saturates them with layers of colored pencil. The end result is a smorgasbord for the eye, a banquet for the imagination. Each piece will take the beholder on an epic journey thru the world of what ‘might have been’.