Tyler Stinson
A third generation welder and metal sculptor, Tyler found his way to artistry along the path less traveled. Through decades of exposure to the craft, he experimented for some time, eventually taking on sculpting as a regular practice. Initially uncertain of if he saw himself in the work he was creating, he was intrigued by other’s experiences of his sculptures. It was not until he learned to trust his intuition and integrate both a subtle playfulness and draw from the interconnected nature of feeling and thought that he found a true home in his work.
Creating pieces that are approachable and juxtaposed, Tyler uses hard materials that are traditionally associated with the masculine and through various processes of working the metal, creates sculptures that have a distinct feminine softness, with clean lines, strong curves and careful details.
My hope with my work is that it can unlock something that is already there in the viewer, that it might cause stillness and contemplation without analysis or words, just the experiencing of a sensation that is there buried beyond thought.
Tyler is a graduate of The Pennsylvania State University. He resides in Tucson, Arizona and his work can be seen in public installations across the country.
Link to website:
Instagram feed: @tylerjonstinson
– If you can get on the Instagram profile it shows my work, behind the scenes at my shop and other parts of my life, all of which makes its way into influencing my work!