Shane Webster
I am a Metroplex native, born in Fort Worth and raised in Arlington, Texas. My interest in photography began when I was a young child. My grandfather first exposed me to photography by taking pictures with his old Polaroid camera and I was amazed with the near instant results. I enjoyed waving the photograph back and forth and then peeling the backing off revealing what he had taken. My interest continued to develop through my father’s photographs he took on business trips, showing unseen landscapes, places and animals. It was obvious that I had an early interest in photography; I was already snapping photos with my own Polaroid at age 7. I decided not to pursue my budding passion when I entered college, instead majoring in Business at Abilene Christian University and continuing my studies at Baylor University, earning a Law degree and a Masters in Taxation. After college, I entered the corporate world for seven years, always enjoying my yearly vacations and never forgetting to bring my camera along for the ride. My passion for photography and self-taught skills continued to develop over time: from a point-and-shoot camera to multiple DSLR cameras to eventually creating a home printing studio. I have traveled around the world from Yosemite National Park to Iceland and to other destinations taking photographs of what I believe to be beautiful and interesting landscapes. I enjoy all types of photography, but I particularly take pleasure in landscape photography because of its challenging elements. When shooting landscapes you need two things: skill and patience. Because you are constantly at the mercy of nature’s ever-changing conditions, taking landscape pictures is often difficult. Everyone would have great photos if the conditions were right each and every time. These challenging elements propel me to visit both new and already visited landscapes year after year, patiently working with Mother Nature and photographing images of what I perceive to be interesting and beautiful. I hope you find the collection on display as interesting and beautiful as I did viewing them through my camera.