Jenni Allen

Emerging Grid Artist/Designer from DFW Texas, whose distinctive style utilizes acrylics and other media on canvas. Using multiple different techniques and blending to create energy and movement, she also explores complimentary colors, shapes and texture to create aesthetic rhythm, like dances on canvas.

Her background in dance, choreography and music as well as being a habitual organizer is evident in her creations. She found that by using the grid format in her paintings, she could maintain her desire for organization, while creating mood, movement, and melody with her colors and shapes.
Personality emerges from each piece when she combines her unique styles of modern structure with free flow accents.
“I compare my art to dance. There’s always a structure and a plan within choreography, just like in my art pieces. But once the structure is down, the fun part of free flow takes over and creates a mood and message. Each message can be different for each person based on their experience. My goal with art is to create visual music and a dance of color. I hope when you look at my art, it sparks interest and creates conversation!”

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Emerging Artist

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Grapvine, TX