


Guy Michaels

Guy Michaels grew up in the coastal community of Pacifica, California. He enjoyed woodworking as a young man, but pursued it only as a hobby. Although he had carved a couple of pieces on the lathe in high school, Guy didn’t take up woodturning again until 1989. He was 29. This time, he recognized the emergence of a passion within him, and began sharing his pieces at art festivals in September of 1990. On a whim to weld his talents on a new medium, he placed a piece of stone on the lathe in the latter part of 1991. When the dust settled, a unique thing of beauty was left, an alabaster turning, so thin that light transcended it, so smooth and colorful, it begged to be caressed. Guy’s passion had taken a new turn, and a part-time hobby was becoming a full time preoccupation. With so much demand for his rare and unusual pieces, he quit his job as a UPS driver and took to his workshop on a full-time basis. www.guymichaels.com

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