Emily Sanders
I am a self taught artist. I started cutting glass purely as a form of rehabilitation for my hand from an injury. From stained glass work, I transitioned to kiln formed so naturally. The thought of endless possibilities not found in stained glass, I started kiln formed glass work with a passion. Glass fusing is the process of using a kiln to heat, join and shape pieces of glass together at 1200- 1700 degrees Fahrenheit. I find glass an amazing substance. It allows me great flexibility in expressing myself. The palate available to the glass artist is unmatched by any other medium. Color, depth and texture are fused to bring out subtleties that mimic the way light dances on the subject. I love to play with color and to explore human forms. I make pattern bars by fusing stacked cut glass as a block. It is sliced and assembled to the desired design. It is fused for the second time to a solid piece and then slumped into shape in a mold. This process takes at least three trips in the kiln. The piece is not finished until it is cold worked which to refine the edges and adds another dimension to the work. My art gives me such comfort. I hope it will give joy to the people who see it.