Cort Anderson
My photography is heavily influenced by my time as a photojournalist, it is why I work in B&W. Driving and observing life around me is how I often found images for the newspaper, it is how I work now. The creative challenge is the same, create compelling photographs from ordinary life. Documenting rural churches and front porches are two of my current projects. Route 66 is another longer term project. These are in addition to finding images in everyday life. While I use modern technology the old ways are still there. I shoot primarily digital with some 4×5 film. My work is based on over 25 years of film experience. I custom mix B&W carbon pigment inks and print on 100% rag paper. I believe well done B&W prints, film or digital, are a delicate balance of tonal range, detail and contrast. By combining compelling images with outstanding printing I strive to create works that form emotional bonds with viewers.