


Michael Cherepak

I am compelled to create. Visually stimulated by my environment and using color and marks making to reflect that curiosity. On the surface, the content seems simple. But each image depicts a moment; quiet, loud, simple, or complex. Making is an affirmational practice focused on expressing joy, play, or love. The work reflects the point of view I hold tightly. Not on media or politics, but on the things I can touch. People I can touch. A view that is caring, diligent, and playful. The screen printing process suits my personality in that it is process that provides a structure and limits. Change and spontaneity have a place but the need to manage size, colors and production forces conclusions. Learning the skills of printing has provided a process to feel confident about. With flowers as the starting point each piece starts as a loose organization of abstract elements eventually tied together into interlocking colors. In a world of beauty, change and chaos, I want to celebrate moments.

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