Dave Monk
Woodworking has been a hobby of Daves most of his life. It all started as a young boy with a Christmas gift of a scroll saw. At different points in this journey, Dave has probably owned and used every woodworking tool there is creating furniture, kitchen cabinets and designs in hardwood floors. Since retirement, he has come full circle back to the scroll saw. He has found that he loves creating intricate pictures with his inlays and intarsia, using his palate of nearly 30 species of native and exotic wood, never using paints or stains on any of his projects
Daves evolution back to the scroll saw has also introduced him to computer design. Together, designing on the computer then creating that piece using his scroll saw, has become his passion. Evenings are spent on the computer learning design software and sharing ideas and projects with other scrollers from all over the world. Days are spent bringing his new designs and patterns to life. He believes that his pieces bring art, beauty and fun into a home and his hope is that those pieces become family heirlooms.