


Damien Jones

I’ve been drawn to clay since my youth, and have been consistently engaged in creating ceramic forms since 1990. In 2004 I left my Industrial Design career to pursue art full time, and this exploration has yielded many wonderful developments in both my personal and artistic life. I love blending my engineering and design skills with the ceramic medium, and discovering new ways to interact with this material to develop uniquely beautiful artworks.

My works explore the interplay between order and chaos, rational and intuitive, masculine and feminine, tension and balance. I employ various texturing devices and glaze combinations to make the surfaces explode with color and detail.

My sculptural forms, and the patterns I apply to them, have evolved significantly over the past 18 years since I took the leap into artistic expression. Initially my works were simple linear or curved forms with geometric patterns of textures and glazes. More recently I’ve allowed much more intuitive expression in my works, releasing the need to have everything engineered and planned in advance, and trusting my creative abilities far more deeply. This has liberated my artistic expression, allowing me to bring forth increasingly evocative, lyrical, and complex works of art into the world.

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