


Anne Cubbage

When I was in 5th grade or so, I wanted to be an Architect. That idea stuck with me as I grew older, so when it was time to go to college I weighed my options. Growing up in Ft. Collins, CO, I could attend Colorado State and get an Engineering degree, or I could venture to Boulder for a Bachelors, then move on for my Masters in Architecture. Somehow, I did neither of these things. I studied Architectural Drafting for awhile, then moved on to CSU for a year of Civil Engineering. And then, I had a family. After several moves, we found ourselves in Denver and I went back to school at Metropolitan State College of Denver and began studies in Industrial Design. That was probably my favorite year of college. I say ‘year’ because then a job transfer lead my family to Texas, where we have been since. During the time between school, I taught myself how to build custom furniture and started a business for several years (until one of the moves). I am constantly reading pretty much anything, and I think that is how I came up with my notion of Book Carving. Way back before the internet was ‘THE’ source of knowledge, I used to read the dictionary, and my husband would tease me about it. Well, I exacted my revenge about 5 years ago when I woke up with an idea to cut up a dictionary and I had the perfect one. The one he had to pay for when he was in college. I took all of the bird pictures out, then I collaged them back into the dictionary, all the while leaving in words or phrases that mean something to me, therefore creating a story about my life. The process of cutting out the pages, page-by-page with an x-acto knife, seemed a little daunting, but weirdly relaxing. I did not show this to my husband until I was almost finished, because I did think he would be mad. So after I apologized about ‘doing a little something different’ with his dictionary, I showed him. After his initial reaction of ‘What??’ he thought the idea was pretty cool, and he has supported me ever since. Although, I’m still trying to get my hands on his Merck Index.

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